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Here at Another-Fine-Mess.com, we don't put too much faith in boxes.  As you've already read, the contents of one box often spill out and infiltrate another one.  Trying to put "Progressive Christianity" into a definitional box is, therefore, a tentative and tenuous enterprise because the definition of this movement is evolving.  Even if we could more precisely define it, being somewhat contrarian by nature, we probably wouldn't fit comfortably into the definition anyhow! 
If you're interested in reading a book on the subject, open up Living the Questions:  The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity by David Felten and Jeff Procter-Murphy, (Harper One, 2012). 

More briefly, a very good introduction to understanding Progressive Christianity can be found on Wikipedia.org

One of the groups that articulates a definition of Progressive Christianity is The Center for Progressive Christianity.  In addition to providing a multitude of resources for individuals, groups and congregations, it lists Eight Points that describe how Progressive Christians approach life.  They are:

    Focus: The teachings and life of Jesus provide them with a path to God.

    Pluralism: They recognize that others follow their own paths to God which are equally true for them.

    Communion: They view the sharing of bread and wine in Jesus' name to represent "an ancient vision of God's feast for all peoples."

    Inclusivity: All are welcome to become involved; persons of all genders, sexual orientations, traditions, races, etc.

    Reciprocity: How people treat one another is the "fullest expression" of their beliefs.

    Search: They find more grace in searching for truth than in accepting certainty.

    Community: They form communities to support each other in their quest for peace, justice, a restored environment, and to provide hope.

    Cost: Following Jesus involves a personal investment in "selfless love, conscientious resistance to evil, and renunciation of privilege."

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Roger Wolsey, in his book Kissing Fish: Christianity for People Who Don't Like Christianity, offers this description:

"...Progressive Christianity is an approach to the Christian faith that is influenced by post-liberalism and postmodernism and: proclaims Jesus of Nazareth as Christ, Savior, and Lord; emphasizes the Way and teachings of Jesus, not merely His person; emphasizes God's immanence not merely God's transcendence; leans toward panentheism rather than supernatural theism; emphasizes salvation here and now instead of primarily in heaven later; emphasizes being saved for robust, abundant/eternal life over being saved from hell; emphasizes the social/communal aspects of salvation instead of merely the personal; stresses social justice as integral to Christian discipleship; takes the Bible seriously but not necessarily literally, embracing a more interpretive, metaphorical understanding; emphasizes orthopraxy instead of orthodoxy (right actions over right beliefs); embraces reason as well as paradox and mystery - instead of blind allegiance to rigid doctrines and dogmas; does not consider homosexuality to be sinful; and does not claim that Christianity is the only valid or viable way to connect to God (is non-exclusive)."

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We've been influenced by this sort of thinking and you'll find it showing up in Rejected Letters to the Editor, the Flog, and most particularly in our free e-book, LAST SUPPER RED - THE SYNAPTIC EDITION

In addition, many of the authors of works in the Books section are writers who make significant contributions to this evolving perspective on Christianity and the Church.  For further resources on Progressive Christianity and the Emerging Church Movement, take a look at our sister website www.LastSupperRed.org and click on Resources.